8. Miss America: How Camille Schrier put STEM on the national stage

The talent portion of the Miss America pageant typically consists of contestants singing, dancing, or playing a musical instrument. All that changed when the most recent Miss America, Camille Schrier, carried out a STEM demonstration during her talent portion.

The STEM Class Podcast host Anthony Arno talks with Schrier about her lifelong passion for science and her decision to showcase a STEM activity as part of her talent portion, and the reaction from other contestants.

Additional topics covered include:

  • Early educators who made a difference
  • Teachers as role models
  • Earliest interest in science
  • Entry into first beauty pageant
  • Decision to present a STEM activity over performing arts during talent portion
  • Following a passion for science 
  • Initial reaction from other contestants
  • Most unusual talent segments through the years of Miss America
  • The final seconds before the winner is announced
  • Comparing Miss America journey to the scientific method
  • Official platform as Miss America: Mind Your Meds
  • How to encourage girls and minorities to consider STEM careers
  • How the pandemic affected Miss America’s reign
  • Collaboration for 3M Science at Home series
  • Cooking Up Science with Miss America (PBS 9 part mini-series)
  • Most memorable story as Miss America while visiting schools
  • Most memorable souvenir received as Miss America
  • Passing the Miss America crown to the next recipient
  • Does Miss America get to keep the actual crown?
  • What other STEM demonstrations were being considered for pageant? 
  • Final Minute before the Final Bell
    • Morning Person or Night Owl: Morning
    • Mac or PC: Mac
    • Favorite Childhood Book: Millions of Cats
    • First Paying Job: Parents Company
    • Favorite TV Show: News
    • Latest Music Download: Podcasts 
    • Unexpected Snow Day: Play with the dog in the snow
    • Next Item on Bucket List: Travel Internationally

The talent portion of the Miss America pageant and Camille’s STEM demo

The final round between Miss Georgia and Miss Virginia

Camille’s interview the next day as Miss America

PBS 9 part series Cooking Up Science with Miss America, Camille Schrier

Miss America series featuring Science is All Around Us series

PBS 9 part series Cooking with Science, hosted by Miss America

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