Louisiana state Teacher of the Year Nathalie Roy has taught Latin for most of her career, but was recently asked how she could incorporate STEM into her middle school curriculum. After her initial research, Nathalie discovered that the ancient Romans literally wrote the book on technology from use of catapults to advanced construction techniques.
Join The STEM Class podcast host Anthony Arno as he talks with Nathalie about the following:
Story of an inspiring teacher (her own parents teaching Nathalie’s high school classes)
Transitioning from Latin to STEM teacher
Popularity of Latin for middle schoolers
Fulbright to Italy to study classical Roman archeology
What can a STEM teacher learn from the Romans?
Importance of Vitruvius in Roman history
Analemmatic interactive sundials
Teaching STEM during the pandemic
What should new STEM teachers focus on?
Importance of focusing on the Engineering Design Process
Resistance from Latin teachers to teach STEM
Announcing the Louisiana Teacher of the Year with a Mercedes Benz
White House visit with President Biden
Important message for educators from TOY
Platform: Trauma Informed Resilient Schools
Latest STEM Class: Myth Makers
Most popular STEM challenges
Recommended supplies for any STEM teacher
An inspiring story from a former student
Reflecting on the biggest mistake in her teaching career
A Great Course Series: Ancient Greek & Roman Technology
Nathalie’s recommendations for STEM teachers
Most exciting thing about being a STEM teacher today