Biosphere 2 was originally meant to demonstrate the viability of a closed ecological system to support and maintain human life in outer space. Its first mission was a two year experiment sealing a crew of eight humans from planet earth. What went wrong?
Join Anthony Arno as he talks with Biosphere 2 Deputy Director, John Adams. Program highlights include:
John’s earliest memory of a teacher in school
Academic background
Is there a Biosphere I?
Biosphere II
Size comparison
Biomes included
Filling the ocean biome with sea water
Easiest and Hardest biomes to maintain
The Biosphere Lung Engineering Marvel
Biosphere Challenges
A failed experiment?
Mental and Physical limitations
Selection process for Biospherians
Where are the biospherians today?
Additional Biosphere missions
LEO (Landscape Evolutionary Observatory) research project
Educational programs for students in Grades K – 12
Biosphere accommodations for overnighters
Professional Development for Educators
Columbia University involvement with Biosphere 2
Feedback from locals on Biosphere 2J
10. KEVA Planks